Getting more views on VKontakte posts: what to expect and how to use it. How to increase views on VKontakte on a wall, video and in a group Simple increase of views on VK

Today, many famous people, popular bloggers, and show business stars are trying to increase VK views. First, let's try to figure out why VKontakte video views are needed at all.. The system for displaying the number of views originally appeared along with the social network Vk. It immediately attracted the attention of users and advertisers.

Some said that this is an excellent tool for SMM specialists, and some said that this is, in fact, a useless parameter that does not affect anything. Let's take a closer look at the situation.

Disadvantages of self-promotion

An important advantage of the system used by VKontakte is that it is impossible to find out who watched a particular video, or how active or full the accounts of the users who watched it are.

This allows you to create the appearance of reality of views while increasing their number. Many who want to cheat will try to do it themselves.

Let's look point by point:

Cheat on video in Contact from the site


Competently increasing VKontakte video views is also an incredibly powerful and effective tool in the field of SMM or PR in our time. After all, placing a video at the top in the “popular videos” section guarantees a huge amount of attention not only to your videos, but also directly to the owner’s page. This opens up vast opportunities in the field of becoming a media personality and in the field of creating powerful advertising projects based on your own page or group on the VKontakte social network.

How to make VK views a lot and quickly on your own or at the cheapest price? How much does it cost to increase views on online sites and how to add them up to 10,000

Cheating VK views without registration: up to 20,000 Live

Statistics for an account or community on a social network is what allows users to actively develop their page and learn about the interests of the audience. Accordingly, most people with profiles or groups want these statistics to appear in the best possible way that suits their idea of ​​success.

One of the key points in analyzing VKontakte statistics is views of posts, photos and video publications. This is a special indicator of public interest that does not require any specific action. The user only needs to pay attention to your publication, and the view will already be counted. Thus, we can say that this resource can easily make up for the lack of other counters. Naturally, many users are thinking about increasing this figure as soon as possible by any possible means.

Well, the most popular method for this is to increase views on VK posts for free. This is due to the fact that the user tries to try out any new method of increasing resources personally and independently, without involving third-party sites and specialists. And, on the one hand, this is very commendable, as it allows you to gain a wealth of experience in this area. So let's find out how you can achieve such a boost:

    To begin with, it won’t hurt you to increase the popularity of your account and have it appear in your subscribers’ news. To do this, try to post new posts as often as possible. Thus, most of the audience will view your new publications one way or another;

    There is one feature of VK in relation to views: they are counted only when the user studies the post for several seconds without scrolling through the feed. Thus, you must create entries so that the eye can catch on to them. In this case, GIF animations with an intriguing description help many people. Willy-nilly, a person will stop his gaze on such a post in order to download the picture;

    Another interesting point in increasing views of a VK group or account is that each like adds a new view to you. Accordingly, if you already have a proven way to get a lot of likes, a large number of views, in this case, will not keep you waiting. This fact may also be of interest to those who want to buy VKontakte likes cheaply with a certain benefit;

    The following and liking method also works well here. The idea is that you find new users, subscribe to them or like posts. However, you no longer need to wait until, for example, they mutually subscribe to you (although this would be a good bonus); you are only interested in new views from intrigued users;

    Provided that you do not need views for all posts, but only for a specific publication, you can achieve a similar increase in resources. To do this, it is enough to send messages with a link to this publication with a tag so that each user goes to the original post. This is necessary for views to count. If a person viewed a post from a message, unfortunately, your counter will not be replenished from this;

    Based on the previous point, we can highlight one more method: ask your subscribers, friends and acquaintances to look more carefully at all your new posts. This way you will almost always get a sufficient number of views. And your friends are unlikely to refuse you such an insignificant request.

You can easily use such methods to boost views on VK on a recording for free and on your own. The results from this, moreover, will be really effective and will help you in the development of your account or community. Just don’t forget that you need to completely immerse yourself in this process and spend a lot of time and effort to achieve a sustainable result.

Prices for purchasing views of VK groups, videos, posts

And yet, not all users can independently work with the social network and views, in particular. Some people won’t have enough time, others simply won’t want to spend a lot of effort on this process. Accordingly, such people need to find an alternative option for obtaining resources, and at a fairly high speed and without labor-intensive actions. In this case, boosting VK video views, posts or other publications with the help of professional services in this direction may come in handy for you.

Of course, this option will no longer be considered free, since you will simply have to buy views on various commercial platforms. And because of this, most users may have some distrust of this method. Of course, few people want to pay for an incomprehensible result and only a virtual product, especially if it requires large investments. Therefore, in order to somewhat reduce such mistrust, we want to provide data on how much it costs to increase views of VKontakte videos, recordings or photos.

We monitored most forums, services, websites, as well as private offers and came to the conclusion that the average cost range for this service starts from 70 rubles and reaches approximately 520 rubles per 1000 views. Moreover, usually the price for video views is somewhat inflated. And such a difference in the price tag is associated with various factors influencing the setting of a particular amount:

    This may be the difference between the ways the material is delivered to the user's page. If, for example, an individual cannot perform automatic unloading in large volumes, his services will cost less. Conversely, a large organization with a whole staff of qualified employees will require higher pay;

    The original price may also affect the cost. Again, for private traders it remains, in most cases, unchanged or slightly inflated, and some services try to increase the cost several times to attract greater profits. Although, for the most part, this depends on the integrity of the seller himself;

    And another factor is the speed of resource supply. The higher it is, the more the payment for such a service will be. But, however, this may not always be a plus. Many users have no reason to replenish their views counter at breakneck speed, as this attracts unhealthy attention from the social network system, which may result in account blocking;

  1. But a large order, in other words, a wholesale order, can influence a price reduction. Most sites offer discounts to customers who make bulk purchases. Accordingly, if you want to buy VK views on a recording in bulk, you can get some benefit for yourself.

These are the most reasonable reasons for sellers to raise the price of boosting VK video views or posts on their website or service. However, it is worth understanding that such rules do not apply to everyone. Much of setting the right price depends on the honesty and foresight of the owner of the markup organization.

In what cases can VKontakte views be written off?

Above, we described two alternative options for receiving views on your VKontakte page: paid and free. However, both of these methods have one thing in common. Any cheating, in essence, contradicts the rules of the social network and one way or another leads to their violation. And this can be regarded as illegal actions, because of which you can easily earn a ban or, as a minimum punishment, writing off the counter.

Surely, now many users are worried and decided to postpone such development of their account. But we dare to point out that these fears are too premature. You will not take risks if you act with caution and foresight. Moreover, if you know the reasons why VK view counters are written off, you can easily avoid them and get a truly profitable and effective result. Therefore, let's figure it out:

    So, write-offs can occur if views were increased from many accounts, but the user or organization did not use a proxy. It turns out that the network filter system sees how views from fake pages are being stolen from one IP address. Of course, this will not go unpunished;

    However, even changing proxies may not help if the accounts used for work were of poor quality. These include bots, unfilled profiles, and uncleaned accounts from previous cheating. As a result, such pages will most likely be blocked by Contact. And if you have a large number of them in your arsenal, then write-offs are simply guaranteed. Therefore, always find out which accounts will be used to increase views of a VK group or personal profile. It’s also worth monitoring the situation yourself as soon as the first batch of views comes to your page;

    Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of not very friendly users on this social network. And if, moreover, you run a fairly successful community, competitors will also be added to such users. Accordingly, if they even suspect cheating on your page, they will certainly complain to the Contact system, and they, in turn, will write off all your counters. Of course, you can prove that you had nothing to do with it and avoid further possible blocking, but absolutely no one will return the views to you. Therefore, be vigilant and try to make the entire wrapping process look as natural as possible;

    However, even without complaints from dissatisfied “residents” of the network, VK filters have eyes in the back of their heads. They are the ones who monitor all more or less unnatural actions on your part. And if they suspect you of cheating at least once, they will write off all the added material automatically. And in this case, nothing can be done except create a new community or account. And even then, at first you will under no circumstances use cheating. Therefore, here we can give the same advice as in the previous paragraph: be more careful and careful. The same applies to the imbalance of resources on your page - nothing should take precedence over the rest. That is, it is also better to additionally acquire VKontakte members for the group if you don’t have any or have other missing resources.

For approximately these reasons, you may be left without your received resource. Accordingly, in order to avoid writing off the cheating of VK view counters, try to carefully check all the services that provide similar services with which you will work. And also soberly assess your strengths and capabilities when independently developing an account or group. So far, cases of views being written off are isolated, but rumors about them still exist and are taking place.

Increase views of VK posts | Quickly to the Top for 4 kopecks

The most common reason for creating and maintaining a VKontakte account is the possibility of increasing its popularity. Users most often strive to ensure that their publications can be seen not only by subscribers, friends and acquaintances, but also by a wider audience. To do this, of course, you need to have activity on the page, as well as a sufficient amount of resources on the counters. That is why increasing views of VK posts is also important when bringing a publication to the top network. Accordingly, most users have a question related to the advisability of purchasing additional material. Therefore, let's find out whether views really affect the ranking of a page and under what conditions.

Speaking honestly and openly, this resource itself, of course, will not be able to pull your publication, community or account into a leading position. This process will also depend on several related nuances:

    Title, if it is, for example, a video or photo. In this case, the title of the publication must clearly coincide with what is happening in the video or photograph. You should also include keywords in the title so that your post can be easily found. And you can select similar tags using various tools for selecting keywords, which can be found in sufficient quantities on the Internet;

    Description of the publication. Also an important point in promoting the post. The description may also contain, and even desirable, key phrases for faster searching. Also, the content of the text should not diverge from what is included in the main publication (if it is a photo or video);

    Hashtags. These designs have become a very integral part of our lives and, if previously they were used mainly on Instagram, now their scope of application practically knows no boundaries. Accordingly, in order to further increase the chance of your publication reaching the top, we also recommend adding these links to the description or content of the material;

    A sufficient harmonious combination of all possible resources. Try to ensure that your publication has a sufficient number of resources. This applies to likes, shares and views. It is necessary to achieve increased user interest in your post in order to create the appearance of public activity. Therefore, try not only to boost VK views to a post on the wall. For example, you can buy reposts on a VK post if you think that you don’t have enough of them;

    And, of course, there is no way to ignore the quality of the content itself. Without this, no matter how hard you try, it is unlikely that you will be able to bring your post to a leading position. First of all, it is necessary to interest users. Only then will the post not only appear higher in the search, but also remain there for quite a long time;

  1. Don’t forget about the level of the page or group from which the post is displayed. As you know, people will be more willing to discuss, like and repost on those publications that are posted on behalf of a developed community or account. Therefore, it may make sense to buy people for a group or for your page.

If all the above conditions are met by you when publishing your next post, video or photo, you have every chance to increase the popularity of this content. Therefore, we can conclude from this that boosting views of VK posts can still indirectly affect the publication’s placement in the top search.

How to increase VK views by sending messages - Scheme

Let's return to those users who want to work on a social network with their account or community independently, without involving any third-party organizations. We have already described the most effective and efficient ways to get views on a recording for free. And now it’s worth considering in more detail another option that can certainly attract your attention.

We are talking about probably the most popular and long-used method - sending messages to users. Of course, there is no way to predict people’s reaction to receiving such “chain letters.” Some go to pages, some delete the dialogue, and some may even complain. And in order to avoid the last option and its consequences, it is worth carefully understanding the nuances of this method of how to increase VK views on the wall. And if before this it seemed to you that things were as simple as shelling pears, we dare to assure you that this is an erroneous assumption. So let's find out all the details:

    In order to start sending messages, registering an account on a social network is not enough. First, you need to find several SIM cards or use an online phone number generator to be able to register a couple of new accounts;

    To avoid being suspected of illegal actions immediately after the first batch of messages, put all the new pages in proper shape. That is, provide the necessary information, add a few photos, be sure to set an avatar and fill your account with a small amount of content. Also, you might want to think about buying friends on VK or making them yourself. It may take you some time, but you won’t have any problems with VK filters;

    It is also necessary to provide for one more important point - a changing IP address. The fact is that when working from only one device and a static address, it will be very easy for you to be suspected of unnatural page development. Therefore, take care of this condition. To do this, you can purchase a modem from the Beeline company with a floating address or install a special permission or browser add-on that will allow you to change the IP address automatically or manually;

    After you have met all the above conditions, you can proceed directly to the process of increasing VK views to a post on the wall. To do this, go to one of your accounts and use search to find your target audience;

    Then change the IP address, if this is supposed to be done manually, log in to the network with different data and account and follow the same steps. That is, find another group of people and send them messages.

Here are the basic steps on how to increase VK views on your wall by sending messages. The main thing is to remember that you need to act as carefully as possible, constantly change your IP address and take short breaks during the process. Also, in addition to sending messages, you can leave comments in groups and public pages from your created accounts. The actions remain absolutely the same, but the effect may be even greater, since users are more willing to follow links in comments than from messages.

Cheap increase in VK views online - 3 main services

Having talked about some of the main features of boosting views, we can delve a little deeper into the history of their appearance, as well as their purpose. Such an innovation as a post view counter appeared relatively recently. The setting of this indicator refers to March 14, 2017. It was on this day that users were able to see a new icon in the form of an open eye under their posts and photos. Moreover, this counter began to appear on earlier posts, from January 1, 17.

And this indicator began to be positioned as an opportunity to more broadly evaluate content statistics not only by account owners and communities, but also by other users. Thus, views allow you to see a more realistic picture of audience interest in content than other resources, such as likes or reposts. Accordingly, many users immediately after the update began to think about boosting online VK views.

However, regarding the advisability of placing such a counter, as well as its impact on the more successful development of pages and communities, a lot of controversy arose among network users. Some believe that this indicator cannot bring absolutely any benefit, but most group and account owners believe that this way you can better understand what interests the public. And users themselves can see that if there is not a sufficient number of likes on a publication, many people view it.

    On video. This counter is located under the videos and no longer looks like an icon with an open eye. You will be able to immediately see the number of people who have watched the video. And the resource itself will be counted only when you watch the video from beginning to end. Accordingly, such views will be more successful, as they will be an indicator of full interest;

    On records or posts. Here the resource already has a more familiar appearance to everyone, just in the form of an “eye” indicating the number of users who have stopped their gaze on this publication. As we described earlier, in this case, a view is only counted if you paused your feed and studied the content of this post for a few seconds. The extensive usefulness of this counter is still controversial, but for some this particular resource may be decisive in winning the attention of the audience;

    And finally, the last type is photo views. This indicator applies only to those pictures that you post on the wall of your page or community. That is, you simply won’t find such a counter in albums. Therefore, if you decide to boost online VK views specifically for photos, choose only news publications.

Do reposts and likes affect the growth of the number of views?

Almost all resources on the VKontakte social network are connected in one way or another and are, at times, mutually beneficial indicators. So, for example, if we take subscribers, we can say with confidence that they will bring likes and reposts to the page (of course, if these are real and live accounts). As a result, we can say that users subscribed to a group or page bring activity to it.

You can also analyze the connection between likes and reposts. With each new repost, you can earn one more like. Thus, in this case, likes are added automatically, without requiring additional actions from the user.

    Let's start with what we already know: likes help get views. So, if a user positively evaluates your publication, it will automatically count as one view. Accordingly, the more likes you get, the faster you gain views. Accordingly, you will already know how to increase views of VK videos, photos or recordings without any investments;

    Now let’s find out how reposts can affect views. Surely, you have already understood the chain of conclusions. So, if with the help of reposts you receive an equal number of likes, then, after crediting the likes, you will also certainly receive views.

From this we can conclude that no matter what action the user does - like or repost - you will somehow receive the same number of views. Thus, we learned how other resources can influence the increase in VKontakte views on posts, photos or videos. Well, when purchasing resources, you can act quite wisely by purchasing a certain number of reposts on your page. As a result, you will get both likes and views for the same price.

And so, after you have received a lot of detailed information about increasing views, you can already decide how to add the desired resource to your pages on the social network. If you have chosen the most proven and safe way to purchase views on commercial services, you will need to find out about some additional details of this process. So, for example, the first problem you may encounter is choosing a truly reliable and conscientious service to perform the required services.

Unfortunately, now on the market you can get an extremely negative experience in purchasing virtual services. The fact is that with the age of developed technology, the age of cyber fraud has come to us. Accordingly, when ordering something on such sites, you risk being left without money, without goods, and in our case, without an account on a social network. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand how to get views on VK posts or other publications without deception and risks.

To do this, you need to adhere to some specific actions when analyzing and monitoring the services and sites found:

    First of all, try to choose a service that is popular with users. To determine this, look for reviews of similar sites. However, you should not believe all the written assessments, since one part of them was purchased, and the other was written by competitors;

    Next, pay attention to whether the site requires you to register or access data from your social network account. If the answer is positive, we advise you to continue your search. Most likely, such data will not be used for the most trustworthy purposes;

    Then evaluate the site from the inside, its usability, relevance and navigation. It shouldn’t turn out that you were looking for boost in VKontakte video views, got to the fishing website and found there a small footnote with an offer to purchase this service by transferring payment to a personal bank card account;

    If the site looks really presentable in appearance and is attractive based on customer reviews and opinions, carefully read the description of the services. This way you will understand whether this offer is really right for you;

    Then proceed to view the site rules, its requirements and terms of service. This section will contain the key points of the promotion process. In this case, it won’t turn out that you have an empty group, you decided to cheat in it, and the site refused for unknown reasons;

    It would even be very nice if the service can provide you with any guarantees for the performance of its work. For example, a guarantee for write-offs or to protect your payments;

    Chat with technical support staff and find out any points that interest you. This way you will evaluate how quickly this department responds. But don’t forget that you are most likely not the only client on the site, so ask only really important questions in a tactful manner;

    Well, finally, test the selected sites. Order the smallest number of views and determine in what state they will arrive on your page. Be sure to do such tests one by one, after a certain time (if you have selected several services), otherwise you will simply get confused.

Having performed such an analysis of sites, you can easily determine how to increase views on VK posts, photos or videos without additional unpleasant nuances in the form of blocking or loss of money. Treat cheating with some caution and then you definitely won’t risk anything.

In today’s material we will tell you why you need to increase views on VK posts, as well as how to do it.

What does boosting VK views on a recording give?

Many people wonder, ? It's simple. The more of them there are on your post, the more popular it is considered, the more people will see the information published in it, and the more people will take the targeted action if it is necessary.

This means that the entry will be more likely to end up in the “Interesting First” news section.

Today, many users have moved the “Interesting first” slider to the right in their news feed settings, thereby activating it. They only want to see popular posts, and this is not surprising. But because of this, they don't see less popular content. So, to get into this section, you need to have as many views as possible. This is where the need arises to boost that very desired activity.

1 view is awarded when a user sees your post.

It doesn’t matter how he did it: in the news feed, opened it separately via a link, reposted from a friend, etc. This counter shows the number of unique users. That is, if you open the same post twice, only 1 view will be credited.

This fact makes cheating even more popular. How can an ordinary user with 50-150 friends get thousands of views on a post published on his wall? That's right - screw it up. You can, of course, start spamming anywhere and everywhere. But not everyone wants to do this and not everyone has the time for it. Not to mention the risk of getting banned.

How to get views?

Views on VKontakte posts can be increased using special services and programs. Among them there are both paid and free.

We spin for free

These include:

This is one of the most popular services for boosting activity on VK and other social media. It's completely free. Among the many functions there is also boosting views. To order it, you need to complete 6 tasks posted by other users and then you will have the opportunity to post your own.

How to use:

TakeFriend does not require registration, so you can leave your task easily and without providing any personal data, which makes using this service safe.

This service is absolutely free and works on the principle of mutual exchange of activity. You complete tasks, get points for it, and use the points you earn to submit your assignment.

There is no separate task “Get views” here. But this does not mean that we cannot use this project. To get free views, you can specify the task type “Get likes.” In this case, the specified post will receive both views and likes. After all, to put the latter, you need to open the record itself, thereby viewing it.

How to use:

Ready. All that remains is to observe the result.


This is a program created for automatic promotion on VKontakte. It has a free version in which you can easily increase your views counter. Using this software is very easy:

Ready. The robot will start doing its job immediately.

For money

Now, where you can easily and quickly get the required number of views for any post on VK:


This is an online project specializing in promotion and promotion on VKontakte and more. One of the many functions is boosting views. Moreover, here you can wind them up both on one specific post and on several posts at once.

Price for 100 executions – 0.22 rubles. When ordering from 5000 pcs. There is a 20% discount.

How to use:

After payment, the service will begin promotion.

Another online service specializing in the promotion and promotion of social networks, where for a small fee you can buy the desired number of views on VK. According to the project itself, only live views are increased. That is, made by real people, without the use of bots.

There is also the opportunity to buy views for both one specific post and several (autoviews).

Price for 100 executions – 10 rubles. with a minimum order. At the maximum – 4 rubles.

How to place an order:

After payment, YouLiker will begin to perform its task.

Online service for social media promotion. This service offers many different services, including boosting views on VKontakte. They can be ordered in two ways: retail and wholesale. When ordering from 1000 pcs. and moreover, it is more profitable to order in bulk.

Price for 100 executions – 10 rubles. when ordering retail. And from 10 rubles. and below when ordering in bulk.

To place an order you must:

After payment, the service will begin to increase the ordered activity.

Pros and cons of cheating

The advantages include:

  • More chances to get into the “Interesting First” news section;
  • Increasing overall reach and unique visitors to the community;
  • A large number of different software;
  • There are both free and paid methods;
  • Low cost;
  • Get results quickly.

The disadvantages include:

  • Not all services use “live” promotion;
  • The VK administration does not encourage the use of third-party software, so if there is suspicion, there is a chance of getting a ban.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about who needs to increase views on a post on VKontakte, as well as with the help of what programs and services it can be done. We hope you found something interesting for yourself in this article.

More recently, the popular and beloved social network VKontakte announced another innovation that will allow all network participants to see even more information: we are talking about the number of views of each posted post. Now every VKontakte user can find out how many people have viewed his photo, video or text post. But how are views counted on VK and will repeat views be counted? Today the entire Internet community is discussing this topic. And in this article we will answer in detail the question of how it works, and also whether it is possible to increase views for your posts.

What kind of views are there on VK? All about the new counter under entries

At the beginning of March 2017, the administration of the social network VKontakte told the public about a new update to the site. Vadim Dorokhov, the chief administrator, answered in detail the question of what kind of views are on VK and shared his thoughts about this innovation. According to him, a huge number of likes for a particular post cannot always indicate its quality. As for the number of views, this parameter can be used to more fully judge the popularity and demand for content. And the new counter, Dorokhov is convinced, will help both ordinary users and public administrators find out how many people are interested in their posts.

And now more about what views in VK under posts are and where they are located. From now on, on the walls of personal pages and in the community feed, under each post (photo, text entry, video) you can see a small counter, where the numerical value of views of a given post is constantly recorded.

It is worth noting that not all users of the social network VK approved of this innovation: some are convinced that such a “feature” is simply useless. However, SMM managers and other specialists in the field of Internet technologies see only a positive aspect in this update, since views on VK can serve as an excellent tool for doing business on the Internet. However, there is another opinion about viewing – conspiracy theories. Some users believe that the new record counter will make it even easier for intelligence agencies to track information about people.

It's as easy as shelling pears: how to see views on VK

As mentioned above, you can see the new views function in VK directly on your page: the counter is visible in the lower right corner of each post. Remember that views on your wall are seen not only by you, but also by all other users who visit your page. However, you will not be able to find out their names/pages, since the counter does not provide detailed information about the users who viewed the post.

You can see views on VK not only on a computer, but also on all modern smartphones based on Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad). In updated mobile versions of VKontakte, the counter is also located in the lower right side of any publication.

Information from VK administrators: how views on VK are counted

According to the information received from the developers of VKontakte, it became known how views are counted in VK: a new implemented counter counts the number of unique users who viewed a particular post. If the user did not click on the content, but only scrolled through the feed, then the view most likely will not be counted.

Key points that are useful for everyone to know about views on VK:

  • The counter is visible under posts on the wall and under various content in the public feed.
  • It is impossible to know who exactly viewed this or that content
  • Views have been counted since the first days of January this year.
  • It is almost impossible to “cheat” or increase the counter by re-watching the content: reliable protection against cheating has been installed.
  • All users can see each other's counters.
Increasing VKontakte video views is less popular than attracting subscribers, likes and reposts. But for certain purposes this tool is more effective and efficient. Most resources on the network offer promotion for money or for performing certain actions. Our service does not require anything in return.
Do you need a special program for increasing VKontakte views, what does the process look like and what does it look like and why is it needed? Let's find out!

Why do you need to boost VKontakte video views?

Boosting video views is one of the effective ways to increase the popularity of a user profile online. Why users need this is a completely different question. There are a million reasons and reasons.
Cheating VKontakte video views online is used as an effective and powerful marketing tool. Few people can be surprised by the phrase “viral video”. The spread of a viral video begins with promotion. The desire to watch a video among users increases in proportion to its popularity. No surprise, this is how human curiosity works.
You don’t have to be the owner of an advertising account to be interested in increasing VKontakte video views for free. The number of views is needed for social videos in the process of finding owners for a homeless animal. And simply by using this method you can increase your self-esteem. Isn’t an entertaining video from a dacha, vacation or exciting trip worth popularity? Let your friends and classmates die of envy!

Increase VKontakte video views for free: VTope will help!

Our service offers assistance in creating activity on the user's page. Video views, likes and other actions are distributed over time so as not to raise doubts about the naturalness of the process. Cheating looks like the actions of real users. Not only does she look like that, that's exactly what she is.
A program for increasing VKontakte video views is not needed. With the help of the VTope service, activity on the page is created through the efforts of real people. No bots or dubious tools. There is also no need to provide your VKontakte password. Without investing or losing anything, customers of the promotion receive a lot of advantages for themselves and their popularity on the social network. Nothing in return is required from the customer of the cheat. Not sure if it will work? Try it!

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