Clear the group on VK. How to quickly clean a wall on VKontakte

It often happens that a user, having created one or several groups in a contact, understands that there is absolutely no time or no interest in developing them. Then the most correct decision would be to delete it, since its presence may interfere with your personal page. How to quickly delete groups on VK, this article will tell. When deleting, you need to understand that it is impossible to completely destroy the public, you can only clear it of content, delete all subscribed users and instead of the name write a phrase like "Group deleted" Or something like that.

Helpful information:

Also, only a person who has full administrative rights can delete a group, that is, either the creator of the community, or the one who has been given full rights to manage and administer public.

How to delete a VKontakte group created by the user himself

To do this, you must be an administrator, that is, if administration rights have been transferred to someone, then deleting the public will be impossible.

  • You need to go to the list of your communities via the link "My groups" and find the public that needs to be deleted.
  • Once you enter a group, you must destroy all of its contents. To do this, the wall is completely cleared of all posts, albums with photographs, audio recordings, videos, all subscribers, if any, discussions, the main image (avatar) are deleted, that is, the public should take on the appearance that it had when it was just was created.
  • Next, in the settings, on the tab "Information" the group type changes, you must select "Private".
  • Then, the name also needs to be changed. Change the existing name to any phrase indicating that this community is no longer functioning. The name can be changed in the settings on the same tab "Information" by filling in the appropriate field.
  • After which the user himself needs to leave the community. To do this, click on the link "You're in a group", from the menu that opens, click on the item "Leave the group."

After all these actions, the public will be completely empty, thus this will mean its deletion.

Good luck, seekers of new relevant information!

From the blog pages today you will learn how to delete a VKontakte group. This process is much simpler and faster than.

It is common for a previously relevant community to become an unnecessary burden. Since VKontakte has not provided users with a special function for deleting communities, the obvious question arises - how to delete the group that I created?

I advise you to consider other options besides deletion, since valuable resources such as time, effort, and attention are invested in the development and creation of a public page. Essentially, you are going to wipe out this concentrate of your creative power. It might be better to convert it to something else.

Transfer of control

You can transfer rights to people who are interested in the further development of what has been created. Thus, the effort you expended will not go to waste, which is nice.

Change of direction

If a topic or activity is no longer relevant, you can simply change it. Yes, many subscribers will leave you, but there will also be those who remain.


An excellent option, if there are a lot of participants (from 1,000 people), is to sell the community to interested parties.

I'm not a creator - what are my options?

Let's say you are determined to get rid of an unnecessary community. I’ll immediately answer a common question - is it possible to delete it if I’m not the creator and don’t have administrator rights?

No, in this case nothing can be done.

VKontakte took care of protecting the owners: if the creator leaves the group, he can return to it, and his rights will be automatically restored. Even if it is closed or private, there are no exceptions.

Deleting a public page

If you manage a public page, you will first have to transfer the created page to a group.

It's done like this.

Step 1. Go to your VK page, click on the “Groups” tab.

Step 2. Move to the “Management” section and look for the desired community in the list that opens. Come into it.

Step 3. Under your avatar, click on the three dots, which expand the menu of acceptable actions. The very last option is “Transfer to group”. Feel free to click.

Step 4. We study the notification from the site about the translation of the page. You can do this no more often than once every 30 days. We agree.

Step 5. Ready. The inscription under the avatar, instead of “You are subscribed,” should change to “You are a participant.”

Now you can liquidate your community. To do this, follow the further instructions.

Technical support help

I highly recommend that if you have a strong desire to quickly and forever erase your creation, I strongly advise owners of public pages with many thousands of members to contact VK support first.

Just open the “Help” tab and briefly, convincingly, concisely ask for help with this problem. If administrators cooperate, you can save a lot of precious time.

Steps to manually delete a community

Stage 1. We go to the group that needs to be deleted.

Stage 2. We clear the contacts field - to do this, click on the section with the corresponding name on the right under the avatar. Next, click on the cross next to each contact to delete.

Stage 3. Click on the three dots under the avatar again and select “Community Management” from the drop-down list.

Stage 4. We get to the main settings section. Here, first of all, we change the type to “Private”.

This is done so that no one can get into it or apply for membership. Before the complete disappearance from the system occurs, the community will be visible to you, since you are its creator.

If you save the link to your community and click on it after all the manipulations, you can verify this. For all other people, the group will not be visible and will completely disappear from both the VK search and the Yandex and Google search engines.

Stage 5. Now we clear the contents. If there is an incredible amount of material, skip this step, since it is not key, but it speeds up the removal process. It’s better to delete everything – albums, music, posts on the wall, avatar, cover, documents, videos.

Stage 6. Participants. They will have to be deleted manually, which is why with thousands of subscribers it’s worth at least trying to involve the VKontakte administration. Or, alternatively, transfer ownership to someone else.

Go back to “Community Management”, move to the “Participants” tab. Next to each name, click the cross to remove the person. If there are other administrators besides you, then you will first need to deprive them of their rights by clicking on the “Demote” button, and then on the usual cross.

Stage 7. After only you are left in the community, it is clear of unnecessary information and is closed from prying eyes, the final act remains - leave the group and never return to it. Save the link to the community page if you want to track when it disappears completely.

Delete from phone

All stages of liquidating a group can be successfully and quickly completed via telephone. The mobile version has a slightly different interface and arrangement of elements, but otherwise everything is the same.

To open the control menu, click on the gear icon and then follow the steps described above.


Now you have information on how to delete your VK community. This knowledge will certainly be useful to you in the future if you often deal with this social network. But remember that in addition to deleting, there are other ways to dispose of a public that was once created.

That's all, appreciate your efforts, think more broadly and may good luck accompany you!

You will need a computer with a browser and a small piece of code, which is given in the article. The cleaning time will depend on the total number of records.

At one time, you can only delete those posts that the system displays on the wall. Therefore, it is important to get to the very bottom.

It may take a while to scroll through the page, but in any case everything will be much faster than deleting it manually. To speed up the process, hold down Spacebar or End.

If you're using Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows) or Cmd + Opt + J (macOS). In Firefox, the combinations Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows) and Cmd + Opt + K (macOS) are provided for this. If you use another browser, you can easily find the keys to launch its console using Google.

4. Copy this script, paste it into the console and press Enter

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

5. When the browser displays a dialog box, confirm the deletion

After this, the script will erase all visible publications from the “” wall. The more there are, the longer the cleaning will take.

If after this old posts appear on the wall that you simply did not scroll to, they can be deleted in the same way.

This is a rather interesting question, because there is no such function in the social network. What to do if you have accumulated quite a lot of public pages? Let's figure out what's what.

What are groups on VK?

Groups, or publics, on a social network are something like a circle of interests. Here users can exchange information, watch videos and photos, have discussions, and so on. There are a lot of different groups on the VKontakte network. There are advertisements, news feeds, and just some kind of user associations. But sometimes you have to think about how to delete all groups in Contact at once. Honestly, this is the stage where many people start to panic. What to do if the list of your publics is very large? Let's understand this difficult issue.

Classic method

Well, let's start with perhaps the most obvious, but not the best move. It requires a lot of time, effort and patience. If you notice that the list of groups in “Contact” in your profile has become huge, then it’s time to clean it up. How? With your hands.

That is, you yourself will have to delete all the public pages that bother you. To do this, go to the main page of the social network, and then log in to it. There, on the left side of the screen, find “My groups” and click on the inscription. On the right side of the window you will see a list of all the groups you are a member of.

Now, to get rid of publics, you will have to move your mouse to the right side of each block with a community, and then select “Leave” or “Unsubscribe”. Do this process with all the groups that you are tired of. A couple of hours - and everything is ready. To be honest, this is not the best choice. Let's see how to delete everything at once in other ways. There are not so many of them, but nevertheless they exist.


But this is already quite an interesting and even funny way. Most likely, those who registered on the social network 5 years ago should be familiar with it. In order to answer the question of how to delete all groups in Contact at once, we will have to use a special link.

This option, unfortunately, does not always work. However, if you don’t want to spend several hours on completing the task, then it’s worth a try. First, you will have to log in to the social network, and then go to your profile. Next, click "My Groups". You will find yourself on a page where all the publics in which you are a member will be displayed.

Now the fun begins. In the address bar of your browser (directly from the page with public pages), paste the following code: var g=new Array();var links=document.links;for(i=0;i =g.length)(clearInterval(sI))”, 1500). Press "Enter" and look at the result. Eventually you will have the entire menu item cleared. That is, this link will help you unsubscribe from all public pages at once. That's all. Now you know how to delete all groups in Contact at once. As you can see, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.


But, as already mentioned, this method does not always work. If suddenly it does not produce results, then users begin to think very actively about solving the problem. As a rule, they come to their aid with a variety of programs and utilities that supposedly expand the standard set of social networking capabilities. But here everything is not so simple.

The fact is that this content is nothing more than the most common viruses. After launching the program, you will need to authorize it using your VKontakte account. At this stage, most likely, your profile will simply be stolen. The application will not open and the desired result will not be obtained. But it will be quite difficult to return your profile. So remember that there are only 2 reliable ways to help answer the question of how to delete all groups in Contact at once.

Find out now how to quickly unsubscribe from groups on VK so you don’t get banned!

Today, various social networks have global significance for various segments of the population, and if "Classmates" fell in love with the “over forty” age group for communication, then "In contact with" Almost all young people, starting from school age, “sit.” Therefore, the interests of various groups are so wide that the entire social network is simply overflowing with them.

As practice has shown, often newcomers, when joining a community, believe that it is very important for them.

But soon the euphoria wears off, and the social network user feels that he no longer needs all existing communities.

And the question immediately arises of how to leave the group in contact quickly, without any special complications.

Until we get to the very essence of the issue, I would like to say a few words about the possibilities of promotion and promotion of VKontakte, I am sure that many are interested in this question. You can promote your group or personal VKontakte page manually, which will take up a lot of your time, or you can turn to professionals. There are many online promotion services, but they all provide quality services, so be careful when choosing.

With a small number of communities and publics, the required deletion can be carried out gradually, one at a time, manually.

When joining a community of interests, a person is not always aware of whether he really needs it.

For example, there are absolutely meaningless and unnecessary associations, such as a club for those who like to sleep on huge pillows or a community for inflating various bubbles from chewing gum from global manufacturers.

Clearing groups in VK is not a tricky thing. Having decided to join any VKontakte community, a person subscribes to daily updates reflected in his feed.

If the information is not needed, then simply leave the community or public.

In addition, if your account is hacked and suddenly several hundred communities are added overnight, you should change your email address and come up with a unique, complex password.

Let's look at how to unsubscribe from all groups on VK at once.

There are two ways to solve this problem: manually or automatically.

Leaving the community manually:

1. Go to the “My Groups” section on your page.

2. Select the required group that you want to delete.

3. Under the public or community avatar, click the “Unsubscribe” button.

If the need arises, anyone can join the VKontakte group again.

If leaving a community is due to the fact that it is constantly displayed on your page, and you do not want to make it visible, then you can simply hide VKontakte groups. And the problem is solved.

How to quickly exit all VKontakte groups automatically.

Method 1.

When there is too much information in the news feed from various sources that its diversity begins to irritate users, it is useful to know how to leave all VKontakte groups using a special program.

We go to the official website, download it and install it on your computer.

Then we launch.

When asked by the program, enter your login and password for your VKontakte account, where you need to delete all communities and publics.

This vkbot program was tested by specialists of this site, checking for various accounts for a long period, with it cleaning groups in VK will not be difficult!

This proposed program is absolutely safe for your computer, does not contain viruses, and maintains the confidentiality of personal data.

Therefore, you can completely trust her.

After starting the program, go to the menu “Profile - cleaning - exit all groups, publics, meetings.

Click “Yes” and wait for the cleaning to complete.

After completing the removal, click “Ok” in the pop-up window, then check the result of the work.

We log in to our VKontakte account, click on “My Groups,” and then admire the cleanliness of our wall.

Method 2.

This method is suitable for more advanced users; if a person does not want to enter his personal data, or was unable to use the first method, then you will be interested in knowing how to quickly leave VK groups.

To do this, install the Vkopt program from the website.

Follow the link “Download Page”.

This program can be used for the Chrome browser or based on it - Yandex.Browser, browser from Rambler or Mail.

In addition, support for Opera Mobile and iOS has appeared.

On the page where downloads are made, click the button "Install", we allow access to sites.

This program is the development of third-party resources, and not the creators of the VKontakte network, so theoretically there is a danger to the computer.

In reality, no one has been harmed by this program yet.

Press the button "Add".

After installing the extension, go to the website, select a language and click “Ok”.

Select the “My groups” menu item, there will be a “Leave all” button at the top, click on it.

Then a window appears confirming the deletion.

If you are confident in your actions, click “Yes,” but if you have doubts, you shouldn’t take risks, then click “No.”

If the action is positive, you will be logged out of all groups except your own, where you are an administrator.

Leaving communities occurs automatically, even if there are several thousand of them.

The removal process can be observed on a professionally made progress bar.

Then you refresh the page, happy with the result.

How to log out of all VKontakte groups immediately from your phone?

To do this, we will use the Android application CleanerVK
On your mobile device, you can clear not only groups, but also dialogues, sweat on the wall, photos, pictures, audio and video recordings, friends and bookmarks in one fell swoop.

Be sure to fill in your VK logins and passwords.

In the “Cleaning” menu, you can delete communities, unsubscribe (delete subscription) from groups and public pages from your phone.
Unsubscribe from everything you don’t need at once - delete annoying posts and groups at once.
The program has rich functionality and a user-friendly interface. The main advantage is that you can quickly do everything from your cell phone, without the participation of a PC.


Of the two methods considered automatic removal of publics and communities, the best method is still the first one, which does not clog up the computer with various plugins.

After cleaning, you should remove these programs to free your PC software from unnecessary “garbage”.