How to answer questions on Instagram. How to reply to comments on Instagram? Reply via the web version of Instagram

It’s impossible not to notice how quickly and rapidly Instagram is developing. Millions of people talk about their lives here every day with interesting and vivid pictures and videos.

On Instagram you can find not only photos of professional photographers and famous brands, but also photos of ordinary people.

If you started using Instagram not so long ago, but your photos are already gaining comments, reposts and likes, then in order for people to get to know you as much as possible and want to subscribe to news, it is always possible reply to a comment on Instagram.

People attach much more importance to comments on Instagram than to likes and being added as friends. Therefore, if you wish and make your photos , you need to carefully monitor the comments you leave. And also try to answer them.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram Android

Replying to a comment on Instagram is possible from Android and a regular computer.

Usually people start their first acquaintance with Instagram by downloading this service to their phone and . If your phone has an Android operating system, then to respond to a comment left for you, you must:

  1. Open all comments that were left for you under the photo. Scroll down. Under all entries, you can write to all people at once or to a specific person.
  2. Click on the dialog icon and the line that appears. write your response.
  3. If you only want to reply to one person, then enter the @ dog sign before entering a comment. Then write the person’s login. Then leave him a reply. Then your comment will be addressed specifically to him.
  4. Remember that all your subscribers who added their posts under the photo will see your comment in their news feed.

If you entered a comment with errors, or changed your mind about answering, it is always possible to delete the entry left under the photo. To do this, just open the photo and click on the pencil image in the top right. You will see a red cross in front of each entry. Clicking on it will delete your entry. If you don't want everyone to add notes to your photos and videos, and then you can always close your profile on Instagram, then your subscribers will have the chance to view your feed with photos and comment on them. All other users will only be able to admire the lock icon.

How to Reply to a Windows Comment on Instagram

If you have Windows reply to a comment on Instagram from a computer won't be too difficult.

This is done the same way as on the phone. You need to find the photo under which you want to write the answer. Immediately write your own in the line below all other comments.

Afterwards, click on the Enter key and your entry will be added immediately. However, sometimes it happens that your answer does not appear immediately or Instagram generally gives an error. The comment is not added under other posts.

This happens because there are too many comments on a photo or video, or the service is currently overloaded with requests. Try refreshing the page. Enter your answer again. It is also possible to erase some comments and write a new one.

If you are more accustomed to logging into Instagram from an iPhone, then to leave your comment, click on the answer that is addressed to you. Click on the arrow icon and reply to a specific person. His login will appear automatically.

The ability to respond to comments on Instagram has changed from time to time, and now you can comment on a picture or video you like in two ways.

Both of them will lead to the desired result - the nickname of the user to whom you want to write is formed in the text field, all you have to do is enter the necessary phrases and send.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram for a specific person?

If someone wrote to you on Instagram and you need to respond as quickly as possible, you should do the following:

To reply to a comment on Instagram to several people, just enter several nicknames of the desired people with “@” in front of them and send a message.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram from your computer.

Performing such actions from a PC is a little more difficult - you will have to enter the participant’s nicknames manually in any case. Indeed, choosing the necessary review on the phone is problematic: you will accidentally switch to a personal profile or someone else’s. Therefore, to make the task easier, it is better to write all the necessary response components manually.

You need to log into the social network and select the required post, then under it, in the text field, enter the required name with the “@” sign in front of it (from your phone, the application will also prompt you with the desired nickname if this is a publication of your friends). Send a message. The user will immediately see a notification about the response in a special tab.

If you are commenting on your own post, you must definitely mention the nickname of the user you are addressing, otherwise he will not know about it. If you respond to someone else's post, its owner will know about your post immediately, without mentioning your name.

You can also not only reply to a comment on Instagram, but also like the statement you like, or, if the user’s review violates the rules of the service, you can send a complaint against it. It will be reviewed and, if this fact is confirmed, the participant’s page will be blocked.

It is not necessary to put the participant's nickname at the beginning of the message if you write it manually - you can mention the person in the middle or towards the end of the comment, he will still notice it.

Often it is important not only to write a comment, but also to make it targeted - to mention the person personally so that he can immediately see it and react.

Replying to a comment on Instagram: 2 easy ways

First, let's figure out what result we need to achieve in the end. A “reply” comment is different in that it starts with “dog” (@), followed by the nickname of the person you want to mention.

The latest version of the application has 2 ways to leave a comment in response to your interlocutor.

“Click” on your interlocutor’s comment

It is no coincidence that this method is in first place, because this is the easiest option to answer a friend or acquaintance.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram using this method:

  1. Go to the Instagram post you are going to comment on;
  2. expand comments (they are collapsed by default) by clicking “see all *number of comments* comments”;
  3. select the comment to which we will respond;
  4. click on the “reply” icon (or “reply” in the English version);
  5. the system will automatically transfer you to the text input field located at the bottom of the screen, where the nickname of the person to whom the text you have written will be addressed will already be written;
  6. if this did not happen or you started editing the comment and the name of the desired person was missing at first, then try repeating the action again - otherwise your answer will not be addressed personally.
  7. now enter your comment and submit it.

Instagram is a multifunctional social network that can be used both through a mobile phone and a computer. For PC users - the following video, which describes in detail some of the features of working inInstagram via computer, incl. leaving reply comments:

Manual entry

We have already figured out that in order for the comment left to be personalized, it is necessary to place the “@” icon and the person’s nickname at the beginning of it. What should I do if I can't use the first method? Try entering your answer manually.

To do this, take the following steps:

  1. before tagging a person on Instagram in the comments, find and remember the name of his profile;
  2. go to the post you will comment on and expand the comments in it;
  3. go down to the bottom of the screen to the field for entering a comment;
  4. We type the “@” icon (usually after this the application opens to the user a list of people in order of importance to you: first there will be your friends, then friends of friends, etc.);
  5. if the person we need is not in the first positions of the list, then start entering his nickname, the list will be updated. Most often, there is no need to enter your nickname completely, especially if you are following the person you want to reply to. If an error was made in the nickname when entering, it’s okay, because the text can be edited or you can start entering again.
  6. when the desired subscriber or nickname that interests us appears in the list, you just need to click on it - the full name of the account will be inserted at the beginning of the comment;
  7. write and submit your comment.

Using this method, you can mark any number of users. Please note that there is no need to put a comma between nicknames.

Check out the following video that clearly shows the process of answering through the application:

Working with comments on Instagram: useful tips


Whether it's a grammatical error, accidentally sending incomplete text, or some other problem, you can't edit this on Instagram today. If you want to change your comment, you will first have to delete it and then write it again.


You cannot edit the comment you left, but it is possible to get rid of it. To do this, you need to press it and hold it for a couple of seconds. A trash can icon will appear in the menu that opens: click on it and the comment will be deleted. Using the same principle, you can delete comments from other people left under your posts.

Disabling comments

If shutdown is required for an already posted file:

  • open the photo/video in the app;
  • go to the menu located in the upper right corner of the screen (icon in the form of three dots);
  • Select the "Disable Commenting" option.

Also you can disable the option before publishing a post: This is done in the advanced settings menu in the next step after applying filters, like this:

We've figured out how to respond to a comment on Instagram - it's quite simple if you know exactly what to do and what result you want to get. By replying to your interlocutor or friend on a social network a couple of times, following the instructions presented above, you will no longer experience difficulties with this procedure and can easily do it yourself.

How to respond to a specific person on Instagram if other comments create inconvenience? Most often, popular bloggers and media personalities face such difficulties, since they have the largest number of subscribers who literally write several dozen messages every minute. But the need to respond arises for almost all people with open accounts and posts.

Instagram updates and changes very often. Previously, in order to write a response to a specific person, it was necessary to enter his login directly in the message field and only then the text addressed to him. This was accessible to everyone, but caused some inconvenience. It was also possible to reply without indicating a nickname, but there was no guarantee that the user would read what was addressed to him. Now these methods work, but recent updates to social networks have simplified the processes of using the interface.

From phone

Only registered and authorized users can respond to messages and comments, so you must log into your profile before taking action. Next, you should do the following:

  1. Find a blog and post you are interested in.
  2. Click the commenting icon (located directly below the picture and shaped like a cloud).
  3. Find the entry you are interested in.
  4. Click under the “Reply” entry, write and send the text.

If they respond to your post, you can comment on it in the same way or simply by clicking on the notification.

From computer

Writing a reply letter to any user from a phone is quite simple. But how can you reply to a comment from a specific person on Instagram on the web version of the social network? The latest updates, unfortunately, do not simplify the procedure. Therefore, you will need to act using the following diagram:

  • Log in to the system.
  • Select the post you are interested in (you don’t have to open the feed of other people’s posts. It is located to the right of the image (or below, if the content is viewed in the news feed) immediately after the account owner’s signature).
  • Select a commenter and enter his login in the message field.
  • Write the text and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

This is the only way to create a record. But it is possible that with the new update the commenting order will change.

Note: The login must be preceded by the @ sign in the message, otherwise it will not be addressed to a specific user.

How to reply to multiple users

If you need to write a response to two or three people on the phone, the response method described above will not work. In this case, you will have to use the old scheme. To do this you need:

  1. Select any entry under the post.
  2. Write, starting with @, all logins to which the message will be addressed.
  3. Write out the text and press send.

This way, it is possible to respond both to your own posts and to the publications of other bloggers. At the same time, it is recommended not to create conflict situations and not write “spam” in order to avoid blocking. Quotes are not required to write text.

How to write a comment to a specific person on Instagram

The easiest way to communicate is to use the mobile version of the social network. It has a number of undeniable advantages over the computer:

  • is always nearby;
  • takes up less space;
  • has more advanced functionality;
  • saves time for writing text and publishing posts and entries;
  • loads faster.

When using the smartphone version, consumers rarely have questions about how to respond to a comment to a specific person on Instagram, since the interface is very simple and understandable even after updates. Here you can write a response either to someone else’s comment or to a letter addressed to a specific user. You are also allowed to leave a regular comment under the post.

Note: If, due to an error or accident, a user's response is deleted, it is possible to restore it by clicking on the red tab with a message about deletion. This should be done immediately after deletion, since after a few seconds it will disappear and you will have to write the text again.

At the moment, Instagram is the largest and most developing social network. Each time it is improved by adding new functions. But people who have recently registered in it have to face some problems related to functionality. This article will cover the most frequently asked questions in detail.

How to answer questions in Instagram stories?

How to answer them:

Please note that you can also see who answered your question through the news or events tab (in the form of a heart at the bottom of the application screen)

How to reply to a story on Instagram?

How to answer a question on Instagram with a photo?

We have already figured out how to simply answer the question, but we have to figure out how to answer a question on Instagram with a picture.

If you are a happy owner of the iOS platform, then changing the background is not difficult; this is done in the same way as when creating a regular story.

The only catch is that you can only upload those pictures or photos that are on the device as a background.

If you want a plain background, then in your case you will have to download it from the Internet.

With the Android platform things are a little different. The background with the answer has a standard pink gradient. It is impossible to change it somehow. This feature is not available yet, but should be available soon.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram: ways?

It's nice to post photos and receive numerous likes in return. But it’s even nicer to receive comments. There are two ways to answer them:

You can not respond to a specific person, but address everyone. To do this, open the publication and click on the icon in the form of a dialog bubble under it.

It is located between the heart-shaped buttons and the paper airplane.

Only recipients will not receive notifications.

How to reply to a specific person on Instagram?

This question arises when a huge number of people write in the comments to one post. To conduct a dialogue independently of other participants, your interlocutor should be mentioned in the text of the comment. Then both he and you will thus receive notifications of messages.

How to reply to several people on Instagram?

The scheme operates on the same principle, only in addition to the nickname of one person, you add the nicknames of the other people with whom you communicate

Please note that the name of any user must begin with the “dog” symbol - “@”

How to reply on Instagram from a computer?

It often happens that there is no access to Instagram through a phone or tablet. Don't rush to get upset. This social network has made sure that users can access it via PC.

However, unfortunately, you cannot enjoy all the functions from this device. In this case, you become only observers.

That is, you can watch other people’s stories and publications, but not post your own.

The only function that will remind you of your activity is the ability to put and comment on any posts (even your own) where you are open

One of the most popular modern social networks is Instagram. By the end of 2014, the number of its active clients exceeded 200 million people, and this figure is constantly and steadily growing. The Russian audience in November-December amounted to 13.3 million clients, 2,600,000 active authors among them. Can you imagine how wildly popular Instagram is in Russian?

What to do with comments

It’s a rare person who has never heard of this project, but some people are wondering how to use this social network. But the popularity of the application is partly due to its simplicity. One of the most common dilemmas is how to respond to comments on Instagram. Everything is simpler than it may seem to inexperienced clients of the program. Let's figure it out together. So, a short instruction on how to respond to a user on Instagram. Communication through private messages is not provided here. This feature is available in other similar programs. When asked how to respond to a person on Instagram, there is only one answer - leave a comment. It can be written to any photo if you have access to it, that is, in conditions where the user has not hidden his profile with privacy settings. Let's look at how to write comments to other people so that they see them and can respond to you.

Rule No. 1. Respond to opinions

If subscribers have left a review and you would like to respond to it, you need to open the comments under the post, enter the “@” symbol, called “dog”, and start entering the name (nickname) of the interlocutor (the program is so consumer-oriented that it will even offer you a list of those , who you can choose), and then enter your message. Your friend will immediately receive a notification that they were mentioned in your statement, in the section where photo likes are usually shown.
Friends' comments left under your photos will also appear in the specified tab. Your new subscriptions will also be displayed there.
It is not necessary to indicate the nickname of the interlocutor before the message, you can do it in the middle or at the end, the person will be notified by the system about this comment in any case.

How to respond to comments even faster on Instagram

In versions of the application on Apple devices, instead of tapping on a comment, you can swipe it from left to right with your finger, and then tap the button indicating the answer. Next, a nickname will also appear, and all you have to do is enter a message.
Another way to respond to comments on Instagram is that you can open them, and then simply press and hold for a couple of seconds the nickname of the user to whom you would like to respond. Then, in the same way, a window will open for entering your message with the name of the interlocutor already indicated there, and all you have to do is write a comment.

Rule No. 2. Comment on friends’ photos

In cases where you do not respond to opinions, but want to speak about another user’s photo, it is not at all necessary to write the person’s nickname, because he will already see a notification that someone left a message under his picture. Sometimes not all comments may be reflected. A situation may arise when there are too many of them and some of them will not be displayed. To see everything, you need to click on the line “View all comments”.

Rule No. 3. Delete opinions

It’s okay if you suddenly made a mistake when writing or noticed that your subscribers leave suspicious statements, links to third-party sites, or advertisements. Then we recommend deleting these messages. It is important to know that you can clear your own comments or opinions that users left under your photos. You have the right to delete all inscriptions under your own posts, but only personal ones under other people’s posts. Below are step-by-step instructions for deleting a comment under your photo on Instagram.

Step 1. Open the photo you need by simply touching its image.
Step 2. Click the “Comments” button. A list of posts attached to this post will open.
Step 3. Lightly pinch the replica with your finger and move it slightly to the left so that a button with a trash can icon appears.
Step 4. A ribbon appears with two icons: “Reply to comment” and “Delete”. Click on the last option.
Step 5. If you wish, you can send a complaint against the author to the project administration.


So, in this article we figured out how to respond to comments on Instagram and looked at the basic rules for commenting. By following them, you can easily communicate with your friends. We hope that our tips helped you, and now you have become a confident user of this application. In conclusion, we note that Instagram is a completely free application. Interestingly, it produces square-shaped images, similar to those taken with instant photography cameras such as Polaroid.

    Everyone posts their own photos on Instagram and you can write comments under them, and you can also reply to any comment. To do this, you need to put a dog icon (@) after writing his name under which this person is on Instagram, then we write everything we want to answer, he will receive a notification and he will read it in the end.

    In Instagram, as for me, there are very sophisticated functions, they are seemingly simple, but not the same as those of standard and familiar social networks. Here we need to make special comments. First enter the @ sign, and after it put the Login (nickname, name) of the person you want to reply to. Next, write a response or comment.

    Instagram is gaining momentum every day in terms of popularity and demand. On Instagram you can exchange photos and opinions through comments. But many users have a question: how to write a comment, how to respond to a person in a comment. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. What should be done. To reply to a friend (an acquaintance, a person unknown to you) to a comment, you first need to write this @ symbol, then immediately you need to write the name of the person to whom you are replying, that is, enter your NICK. By the way, the application itself has a number of functions and one of them will help you. You will notice this as you write. And immediately write your response comment. This person automatically receives a notification that such and such an author mentioned him in the comments to one of the photos.

    I would also like to add that when you write a comment to your friend, it is no longer necessary to enter his nickname. He will already see that you posted a comment).

    On Instagram, just like on any other social network, users can comment on photographs, pictures, and statements.

    To leave your comment, do this:

    At the beginning we put the @ sign (many call it a dog), then the nickname of the person to whom your comment is addressed, and then the comment itself.

    Actually there is nothing complicated. You can simply write a comment, but to address a specific person you need to put @ at the beginning, after which you enter the user’s nickname. As a result, the name will glow like a link.

    To reply to a comment on Instagram, you need to use the @ symbol - after it, enter the login of the user you are replying to, write a message and send it. As a result, it turns out that you responded to a specific person.

    Once again I am convinced that each social network or mobile application, or something similar, has its own rules. The same with Instagram. In order to send your comment to a stranger or your friend, click on his comment and write what you wanted. The second option is to put the @ sign at the beginning of the sentence, the so-called dog in the jargon, with the recipient’s nickname and this will also be correct.

    To respond to a comment, a certain person needs to put the dog - @ then write his nickname, and after that write the comment itself. That's all, if everything is done exactly like this, then the person to whom you responded will receive a notification about your response.

    Reply to comment on Instagram you can do it in the same way as with a regular comment. You need to click on the comment icon and write a phrase. The comment phrase will appear under the previous comment, after your nickname.

    However, sometimes there is an active discussion of photos on Instagram, so it may not be clear what kind of commercial your answer refers to. That's why it's common on Instagram when replying to a comment put the dog sign, and then the nickname of the commentator whose message you are responding to. These are rules of politeness, nothing more. If you are communicating together, you can do without it.

    It’s quite simple. If you want a person to see your comment, write the user’s Instagram nickname after the @ symbol, and only then write your message. And this person will immediately see that you wrote a comment on his photo.